-051 Acne Lime Treatment Ion Gel Print this pagePrint this page
-051 Acne Lime Treatment Ion Gel

<P><STRONG><FONT size=3>Ingredients :</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Mallow Extract, Hyaluronic Acid, Lemon-Peel Extract, Gentian-roots</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P><FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT size=3>Effectiveness :</FONT></STRONG></FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Have eliminate wrinkles and &nbsp;moisture.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Have relieve, and Anti-aging effect.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2>Have Disinfection, prevent itchy, acne treatment and promote the wound recovery.</FONT></P>
<P><FONT size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</P>
<P><FONT size=2><STRONG><FONT size=3>Capacity :</FONT></STRONG></P>
<P>Suitable For Acne skin type</P></FONT>